Field Experience and Student Teaching
We are dedicated to getting you into a classroom.
Field experience and student teaching are an integral part of the education program at Keystone College. Classroom experiences give you school-based observation and participation each semester. There’s simply no better preparation for future teachers than real world experience. Observing how students react to different styles of instruction and learning how to adjust in response, will prepare you for a successful career in education.
Early Field Placements
First, Second, and Third Year
Each required field participation provides an opportunity to experience life in the classroom, work with a teacher, observe the roles of support staff, and observe and work with children in a teaching and learning environment.
As you become more acquainted with the teacher, support staff, the children, and all classroom elements, you will gradually assume more classroom responsibilities as directed by the classroom teacher. During your field experience, your role will change from one of an observer to active participant. Subsequently, you will be expected to engage in increasingly complex learning experiences during your classroom observation experience.
Students are expected to provide their own transportation for field experiences.
Jeanie Prall
Location: 211 Ward Hall
Step 1.
Register for Classes for field placement.
Each semester, when you register for classes in MyKC Student Portal, you must register for an Observation / Participation class in order to do the required field placement.
Step 2.
Obtain Your Clearances for field experiences.
Any education student wishing to participate in a field experience must obtain required clearances by June 30 for the next academic year.
Step 3.
The online Request for Field Placement Form must be submitted by June 30 for a fall placement and Oct. 31 for a spring placement.
Student Teaching
Fourth Year
Student teaching is a culminating experience for all education majors and usually takes place in two seven week periods during your senior year, after all academic course work is done. Your student teaching experience is under the supervision of Keystone College personnel and cooperating teachers.
Click to view all required Student Teaching documentation.
The following documentation and information is needed before applying for student teaching placement:
All documentation should be uploaded as a pdf. No photos should be uploaded.
- All Praxis I or Pect scores or verification of test registration
- Praxis II or Pect Official Score Report
- Letter of acceptance
- Transcript verification of overall GPA
- Evidence of membership in PSEA
- Verification of First Aid/CPR
- Tuberculosis Screening Clearance
- Child Abuse History Clearance
- PA State Police Criminal Record Clearance
- Federal Criminal History & Fingerprinting Clearance
- Mandated Reporter Training Certificate
- National Sex Offender Registry
All students must submit actual certification tests scores on Moodle, one month prior to the starting date for student teaching.
Students are expected to provide their own transportation for student teaching.
How to create your student teaching portfolio
Download the latest guide on how to create your student teaching portfolio.
Submit an Online Student Teaching Application
- Applications for Fall placements are due Feb. 15.
- Applications for Spring placements are due July 1